Two years ago, we started this project that has been growing.

During several months, we planned it, designed the activities that our students were going to do, thought about the best and most useful apps for them, outlined the key competences that we thought they should develop and created the content they would use to learn through this awesome project.

On this page, you can watch the first video that we  created to promote the first edition of the project, motivate the students and plan the assignments.


In the following canvas, we have specified:

  1. The key competences.
  2. The final product.
  3. The learning standards for both subjects: History and Biology.
  4. The resources we can count on.
  5. Different tasks and the schedule.
  6. ICT tools.
  7. Groupings and roles.
  8. Evaluation and types of rubrics.
  9. Dissemination.

As it is an internal document available to all our peers, we've used Spanish as the main language to write it. If you want to read it in English or you need more information about the project, do not hesitate to contact us.